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Monday, April 15, 2013

Getting settled

April 1 

first day of new school and parenting practice

Logan is off to his first day at a new school. Its a little rough around the edges. But everyone there seems to make the best of it. The boy was impatient and annoying through the whole enrollment process (took 1/2 hour or so) Rolling around on the couch in the waiting room, drumming on stuff, pretending to fall off the chairs, humming LOUDLY. He wouldn't stop when I told him to, the mom look didn't work either. Gotta say. I am not too broken up about him starting school again. He'll ride the bus for the first time this afternoon. Stay tuned for how That goes!

Later that morning:
So the school called. Logan was sent to the office for freaking the frack out. He was being disruptive and didn't want to do anything the teacher and class was doing. Perhaps all the change hit him at once? More likely he just realized that everything doesn't ALWAYS go his way and being stubborn/yelling at people isn't going to help. The guidance counselor tried to call my phone, which was on silent.. they got a hold of Loopy and he had to talk Logan off the ledge. First day of new school fail.

Me at the bus stop: Hi Logan! How was your first day!?
Logan: SUPER! I loved it.
Me: Really? Everything went ok then? Cool.
Logan: Yup. I had a super day and met new friends. Its all good.
Me: Glad to hear it

So, I asked my FB friends the following (Already knowing what I would likely do)
a) drop it and pretend that never happened
b) bring it up and ask him if he wants to talk about it
c) bring it up and make him tell me WTH the was all about
d) Let Loopy handle it since he was the one who talked to Logan mid-meltdown
e) both talk to him about how to handle things when they dont go his way
f) other

I went with option C. I asked Logan what happened and why he didn't tell me he was nervous about the new school. (not accusing, just in a 'wonder why' tone) He told me he didn't get nervous until I left and he didn't know anyone. After he got back with his class in the cafeteria he took some deep breaths to calm down and felt better. We agreed tomorrow is a new day and we'll give an extra hug and kiss to get through tomorrow. Also agreed that the freak-out was not the best way to cope with the nervousness.

Makes me sound calm and collected, right?  Truth be told, I was pissed this morning. I sort of wanted to go down there and smack him for over reacting and being a stubborn ass. Luckily.. I opted for good cop this time. You know, just in case something really serious comes up later.

Also. Kendal was worn out by the drama and fell asleep with no pants on at the computer playing Nick Jr.

April 2 

Daddy's girl and more school issues

Kendal is trying to convince Loopy she should go to work with him and she can really be helpful there. He told her no, sorry. So while he wasn't paying attention she tied him to his office chair at the computer. Sneaky child. also, no calls from the school today and Logan got up and out this morning with a smile on his face. Win.

He went back to work and I took a potty break before doing the dishes. When I came back this is what my kitchen looked like. She said she was helping me, and "you're welcome mommy!"

For Christmas Aunt Kris sent this super awesome dinosaur puppet thing. Kendal finds it HILARIOUS! Then  Logan gets all wound up and things escalate quickly. I wasn't going to post the whole video because Logan wasn't wearing pants (naturally) but Loopy said it IS an accurate depiction of 2 minutes of life in this house.

Later that day MY dad called and asked if Logan is ok. Turns out he skinned his knee at school and they tried to call both me and Loopy but there was no answer. SO they called my dad in MI. They wanted to let us know they gave him a band-aid. Neither of us have a missed call so I guess I'll have to double check their emergency info tomorrow
Our evening consisted of daddy-back-rides around the living room

April 3 

Tea spitting and other awesomeness

Kendal puked on the way home from meeting Kari in Daytona today. I am pretty sure it was directly related to the 20oz sweet tea she drank at Krystal. We are going to have to cancel our plans to meet up with the Kyncls at Disney. So bummed. Better make sure a fever/ more puking doesn't happen. She felt all better after a shower and has been playing ever since. I am pretty sure it was the first time she ever threw up and insisted that she just spit out some extra tea a little bit. On a positive not there was no more sickness and Kari gave me a new coffee wall sticky for my kitchen YAY!! 

The Beat-alls is the best Power Puff girls episode ever. I am proud to say that Logan caught all the song related jokes and references. If you have never seen it, you must. If you have seen it, here's a refresher.The jokes and references start at 5:21

Super Awesome Fun Game of the Night: Throwing handfuls of bouncy balls up and down the stairs.

April 4

is there such thing as TOO many educational games?

Kendal lives in a video game. She was looking for her rubber ducky and told me to push the left and right arrows to help her move back and forth. Space bar to jump up and click the ducky when you find it!! This applies to most things. Logan asked me yesterday "Mom, do you think Kendal plays too many games on the computer?" I laughed it off but he might be right...

April 5

Dueling meltdowns and eastern medicine

Kendal was on the floor pouting and crying cause I wouldn't give her chocolate cookies for breakfast. Then she dropped my phone on her face. Her new fatter and bloody lip is still not big enough to earn a cookie for breakfast.

I got out the paints and they were happily taking turns painting away upstairs.. until I had to use the bathroom and sneak downstairs. Not 30 seconds later there was screaming and smacking and "ouch stop it" coming from both of them. By the time I got up there again Kendal was a blubbering mess and Logan was speckled with watercolor. WTF! it was seriously less than 3 minutes!! That escalated quickly. Kendal was put in time out on the couch where she passed out immediately. Logan went to his room where he screamed for 30 min then came down and DEMANDED a snack. He may be having an adjustment issue but this is not going to end well for him.

I will climb into my tall bed (switched to loft bed) with my koala skills. Get this outta the way (her step ladder) 
Putting a basket on her head. "Look mom, I'm a basket case". Indeed!

Karoshi: This is an epidemic in Japan where people are literally overworked to death. There are several documentaries and 100's of news articles. Some people are floored by this concept. I do not find this shocking at all. I've seen the effects of being overworked. Loopy's health fell apart in the last couple years. Tomorrow he tries acupuncture for the first time. Here's hoping this is more effective than endless nebulizers and antibiotics.

Here is something you can't un-see.

You are welcome 

April 6

Busy freakin' day

I started off smiling because Kari woke up and realized that an army of drunken octopus' invaded her bathroom.. She sent me a picture. 

The kids are sitting on the floor snuggling, hugging and giving kisses. I wish we could freeze moments in time so they lasts longer.

It didn't last forever, they ended up wrestling and someone was crying, but I enjoy these sweet times OH SO MUCH!!! 

The kids have been BEGGING to go to the pool down the street. So we suited up (Me and Loopy too, mostly in case we have to save a drowning child) It was COLD. So we invented a game of throw the stuff in the tube.

We decided that was crazy, we should just go to Disney for the evening and get some dinner. It took about 45 min to get to Downtown Disney (another 1/2 hour to park. Spring Break)

 We played with Legos

 Kendal found this giant window display of Dumbo and his mommy. She needed me to take lots of picture of this.

Dinner at Fulton's. Our favorite!

 Then on the way out the kids played under the giant Cirque De Soleil tent for like an hour! It was their favorite part of the night.


This is my kinda Saturday!

For the record, I wrote that post in less than an hour, Its some sort of record and FILLED with typos, errors, date inconsistencies, and for right now.. that's ok with me.

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